October 11, 2016 OPEN IMMERSION: A Virtual ReAlity Creative Doc Lab, VR storytelling panel, Panelist, Canadian Film Center, Toronto, Canada,
September16-18, 2016 FIVARS VR film festival, Official selection and panelist, Toronto,ON, Canada
March 20, 2015 Digital Storytelling Conference 2015 - (Invited presentation of the work “Telepuppet.tv”) Multimedia and Innovation panelist, Northampton,MA, USA
April 18-19, 2015 Open Engagement 2015 - Member of selection committee, Pittsburgh, USA
February 12-15, 2015 “Producers as international changemakers”, IBT15 Festival, Panelist, Bristol, UK
November 17, 2014 Workshop: “Creative Writing”, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA
Sep 27, 2014 Invited artist and presenter for public projection performance “Telepuppet.tv” (a co-authored with Ali Momeni) Commissioned by Connecting Cities, a European Commission project
MediaLab Prado, Madrid, Spain
October 7, 2014 Invited artist and presenter for public projection performance “Telepuppet.tv” (a co-authored with Ali Momeni) Commissioned by Connecting Cities, a European Commission project
iMal,Nuit Blanche, Brussels, Belgium
October 2, 2014 Invited artist and presenter for public projection performance “Telepuppet.tv” (a co-authored with Ali Momeni) Commissioned by Connecting Cities, a European Commission project
FACT, Liverpool, UK
September 20, 2015 8 Hour Projects at Allegheny College Art Galleries, Panelist and Invited Artist, Allegheny College, Meadville, PA, USA
July 15-30 2014 Workshop: “Performance and Multimedia,” Roodaki Art Center", Tehran, Iran
June 12, 2014 English Theater Berlin, Invited by “The 2014 Expat Expo: A showcase of WahlBerliner” to perform “The Clown and I”, Berlin, Germany
June 24th,2014 Kreuzberger HofFestSpiele Theater Festival, to perform “The Clown and I (MonoTalkhak) at Expedition Metropolis Theatre, Berlin, Germany